Sunday, January 20, 2019

Make Your Bed

When I was a busy homeschool mom with three young boys, I happened to stumble upon The Fly Lady, a home organizing website.  For months, I followed The Fly Lady, completing the daily tasks -  Get Dressed, Make Your Bed, Clean Your Sink.  

Now there's a popular book called Make Your Bed:  Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe The World.  The book is based on a graduation speech given by Admiral William McRaven.  

And I'm currently reading Liturgy of the Ordinary:  Sacred Practices in Everyday Life.  The second chapter is entitled Making the Bed.   

"Make Your Bed" just seems to be a trendy theme these days.

The Fly Lady emphasizes establishing daily routines, doing the little things, and being consistent.  

Admiral McRaven's book has ten life lessons, including making your bed as a way to start your day with a completed task.

But Liturgy of the Ordinary contends that we're a society that likes to be entertained, likes instant rewards, and likes the new and the novel.  The author points out that there's value in the ordinary, the routine, the mundane.  There's value in making your bed.

I like all three lessons, but I especially relate to and appreciate the last one because it reminds me of the Seventh Commandment.
You shall not steal.
The Seventh Commandment incorporates good stewardship, including time management.

And I confess - I'm lazy, and I like being amused and entertained, doing something different, something instantly rewarding.  Simply put - I'm not a good steward of my time.  I don't like to make my bed or do those "little" chores.

I get caught up in the ways of the world, including how I spend my time.
For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.  1 John 2:16
And I often think that the "right type" of busyness creates worth.  I resent the mundane.

I don't make my bed.  I end up wasting time, seeking entertainment or significance.

And I'm convicted again, this time by the First Commandment.
You shall have no other gods.
I forget that my life and my worth depend on God's Word, on Jesus.  He is my peace that surpasses all understanding.  

Viewed from that mindset, making the bed, doing the mundane, simply serving others - those  tasks take on a whole new importance and perspective.  

My prayer is:
Help me to focus on those things that need to be done to love and serve others.  Help me to spend time in prayer and in reading Your Word.  Satisfy my soul with You, each day, in all I do.

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