Saturday, November 10, 2018

Happy Birthday, Marine!

The Marine Corps was established on November 10th, 1775, making the Corps now 243 years old.  

And the Marine Corps' Birthday is a big deal!

On that day, Marines greet each other with "Happy Birthday, Marine."

While in the Marine Corps, I remember attending two or three cake cutting ceremonies per year.  And the Birthday Ball was an annual, must- attend event. 

November 10th was and is a day to celebrate and be happy to be a Marine.

But I didn't enter the Naval Academy with the intention of becoming a Marine.  My decision to "Go Corps" was based on intellect, not enthusiasm.  Even as I was contemplating and making that decision, I was uncertain if I would fit-in. 

I remember the day, in the winter of 1984, when my Naval Academy class had service selection.  That evening, by class rank, we went to a specified room and made our choice.  When my turn came, I chose Marine Corps.

From there, I went to a reception area for future Marines, and I went with apprehension.

As I walked into the room, the first person I saw was Major Hobson.  Major Hobson was a JAG officer, and he'd taught my Military Law class the previous semester.  

Major Hobson had no idea that I would choose Marines.  And I still remember his greeting, the smile on his face.  He was surprised and delighted to see me!  Didn't matter that I wasn't a gung-ho Marine from birth. 

When I walked into that room and he greeted me, I felt welcomed; I felt a part of the Corps.  From that moment on, I never looked back.  I thank Major Hobson that my initial reception and welcome to the Marine Corps was so positive.  No regrets!

Happy Birthday, Major Hobson.  And thanks!  You taught me something valuable that day about leadership, serving, and loving others.

Semper Fi.

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.  Romans 15:7


  1. Nice, Kathy! What are you doing up at 3:36 a.m Marine?!? HA! I get it! You never get over having to get up early when you have been in the service! LOL HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINE!

    1. Hi Jeanne. Not up that early! The time gets posts as PST, not local time - so posted at 6:36am. Prayers that you're feeling better.
