Monday, May 8, 2017

Transgender - What's a Christian to think?

When I was a teenager, a tennis player named Richard Raskind had a sex-change operation and became Renee Richards.  My young mind thought that was similar to a man walking on the moon "Wow.  How could that happen?"

Today, transgender people are often in the news relating their stories of gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria is a condition in which a person experiences distress because of their bodily gender.  The transgender woman says that her brain doesn't match the body she was born with - she feels like a woman inside a man's body.

So, the question I then have is, "What makes a woman be a woman?"  

As a kid, I was a bit of a tom-boy, but also a cheerleader who played with dolls.  In my opinion and experience, women are diverse and can't be stereotyped based on how they look or dress, or based on their behavior or feelings.

So, "What makes a woman be a woman?" My answer - "A woman is a person whose body was made to bare children."  That's the trait women have in common.  I don't see how it has anything to do with how a person feels.

While I can sympathize with the transgender woman and her struggle of not feeling right, I can't relate or understand.  Nor can I judge what she's experiencing, because I just don't know.

But this I know.  We all have the same struggle, which is a desire for satisfaction and fulfillment in life.
And we all think the solution to our struggle is: 
"If I just had this...(fill in the blank)...then I would be satisfied, I would be happy, life would be good."
But the answer to "What ails you?" is always simple, always the same. 
...For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...Romans 3:22-23
Sin ails us all - we live in a fallen, broken, sinful world.  It's never going to be right or fixed...until Jesus returns.  

Jesus is our comfort; Jesus is our hope, our fulfillment, our satisfaction.  He came for all people.   He came for me, and He came for the transgender woman.  

And what do I, as a Christian, think about the transgender issue?  

I'm reminded of the question Joshua asked, to a man with a sword...
"Are you for us, or for our adversaries?"  Joshua 5:13 
And the answer was, "No," because the question was wrong.  The battle is not against each other.  It's against sin, Satan, death.

No, I don't think gender surgery is the answer.  It may provide some relief, some satisfaction, some happiness in this life.  But Jesus is the answer; He's the one who gives a new heart, the one who provides lasting satisfaction and eternal life.  If you're looking for it anywhere else, you'll always be disappointed.  

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