For the past couple of months, my daily readings/prayer time has included an in-depth study of Ecclesiastes. Each day I focus on just a few short passages, and even repeat those passages on other days. After two months, I'm halfway through the book.
I'm also using Luther's Works, Volume 15, as a guide/commentary on the text. In this volume, Luther comments and teaches on the passages, verse by verse.
The wisdom in Ecclesiastes is a lot to digest. But when passages are taken slowly and meditated on, retention is better. And the "renewing of mind" happens. Such was the reason for my plan to take these readings slowly.
But what I didn't calculate in my plan was...Luther! Luther wrote his works almost 700 years ago. But it's like he's talking to me and our world today, explaining and using the text of Ecclesiastes to answer the question:
As Christians, how do we look at and understand the world we live in, and how do we best live out our Christian lives in this world?
These are just a few of the take-aways that I've been meditating on.
*None of our plans happen unless God gives them success. We can do everything right and still meet failure; unless the work is in God's timing, then all efforts are in vain.
*God commands us to work, but not to worry or be anxious. Work hard and leave the outcome to God. And work for the benefit of others.
*Men are inflated by a bit of success, and take the glory for themselves. We should look to God's Word for guidance, and give Him all the glory.
*Man's heart is restless and not at peace with his present situation. But man hasn't been given an inkling of his future in this world - only God knows the day of birth and the day of death. So we should live in, work in, and enjoy the present, and do the work that lies at hand.
*The things in this world that we think bring contentment - success, pleasure, riches, popularity - they don't satisfy. Contentment comes when we commit to God and His Word, when we trust Him, and let Him have His way.
*The world is fallen and when we see evil, we should say, "Such is the trouble in the course of this world." But when we see good, we should say, "Blessed be the Lord who brings this good about."
*Incompetent people get promoted to positions of power. Learn to dissemble (to smile and hide how you might feel about a situation).
*Don't insist on rigid righteousness. I myself sin and am unrighteous, yet the Lord loves me. Make adjustments, overlook some things, but don't let things fall apart.
*Learn to "wink" at other's faults.
*Those who truly want to serve will have their kindness wasted. When things are troubled, the heart is made better.
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