Saturday, September 29, 2018

No More Taxes - A Tribute to Doug

Doug passed away this week.  He was in his 80s, and with his passing, we lost an endearing man and one of the pillars of our church.

Doug was a character, and many of our church members knew him as the "man who squeaked the rubber chicken" for our BBQ fundraisers and as the obnoxious tax collector at our Bethlehem event.  

But I knew a different man.

When my youngest son was 12, Doug befriended him and trained him to be an usher.  For several years, my son was Doug's "go-to" substitute.  Doug helped him "feel" like a member of the church, like he belonged.

When my middle son moved home after college and began attending church with us, Doug also befriended him.  He was Doug's unofficial assistant and "runner."  They were buddies.

Some Sundays, Doug and I would sit and chat before the service.  I'd watch for visitors, while Doug talked about being an elder.  

One Sunday Doug showed me a letter that he was sending to those under his elder care.  The letter had a questionnaire and included a penny with the statement, "Penny for your thoughts!"

Last year, Doug asked if I'd ever seen "elder" Christmas cards.  No such luck - so he gave me a verse and we got some card stock and printed Christmas cards "from your elder."

With the leftover cards, Doug had the idea to create and send thank-you notes to members of our SonShiner Ministry, a ministry he oversaw.  

My  personal and favorite Doug story...a few months ago, on a Saturday morning, a friend and I saw Doug at a local diner.  Doug asked us to join him, but he'd already eaten so we took another table.

The next day, Sunday, Doug bellowed at me:
"Why didn't you eat with me?  I'd have bought you breakfast?"
"But, Doug, you'd already eaten."
"So,  I'm already fat; I'd just eat again."
That was Doug!  Open, generous, unashamed, and ready to love.

I feel that I was privileged to share those Sunday morning chats with Doug.  And I cherish that caring attitude he had because it was "Christ in Doug's heart" - Christ's love overflowing from Doug to others.

And I think of Doug as that tax collector, shouting out, "Pay your taxes!"

No more - no more collecting taxes for Doug at our Bethlehem event.  

And how appropriate - because of Jesus, the debt, the "tax" has been paid for each of us.  And Doug knew it before he passed, he lived his faith, and loved others.  But now, Doug "knows" it and lives it, face-to-face.

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