Monday, March 5, 2018

The Gospel - Without the Mask

We all wear masks.  We mask our inner thoughts, our struggles, and our failures.  And social media is the biggest mask - I get the impression from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram that everybody has a fun, happy, and pretty life.  People can even "spin" messes into a good time.

During this Lenten season, our Sunday sermons are focused on getting us to think about what we'd say in defense of Christianity and how we'd share our faith with others.

When I think about sharing the gospel with someone, I remember this...

One Sunday, I was waiting for a prayer meeting at our sister church and I noticed an unfamiliar gentleman standing by himself.  He told me that he'd been living in a half-way house and that things in the house and things in life had gotten to him...and he had run away.  

He said that he "just couldn't be good and do what [he] was supposed to do."  

His words reminded me of the apostle Paul:
For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.  For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.                      Romans 7:18-19 
After listening a bit, I said to the man, "I'm not any different from you.  Things happen to me and I want to run away."  Then I gave him a simple gospel message, which included our inability "to be good" and the sweetness of the cross.

Now, when I compare that man's story with the stories that social media paints, I think, "We're missing something here."

We put on happy faces to convince others that we have a perfect life, perfect family, perfect job, etc.  To the non-Christian, to the hurting person who's struggling with life and faith issues...the impression is, "You're not good enough."

Our God does provide all we need and even gives joy in this life.  But, it's not the joy of pretty and happy or popular.  It's the joy of "peace with God" of "being a son or daughter in the Father's house."  

If the gospel is to reach hurting people, then people need to know that Christians are also among the hurting, that we don't have it together, that we need the grace, mercy, and peace that only God can give, peace that comes only through Jesus and the cross.

Jesus came for the needy, the hurting.  
Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.  Mark 2:17  
I find myself "guilty" all the time of projecting an image of having it all together.  
Heavenly Father,

Help me to reach people and to connect with people who need to hear Your truth, to know Your love, Your forgiveness, and Your peace.  

Help me to have compassion on "the least of these" and to identify with them as fellow sinners.

Forgive me when I "pretend" to have it all together; help me to show others the face of a sinner, saved by grace.

In Jesus' name and with the Holy Spirit.

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