Frankie's first response is:
- You're supposed to go.
- To see my friends.
- I get to dress-up and sing.
- For the donuts.
Of course, Frankie gives a better response at the end of the show, and while waiting for her final answer, I considered the question.
I've often heard Christians give these reasons for attending church: "I want to be motivated and encouraged to do better this week, to be a better person" or "It's interesting. I always learn something."
In the show, Frankie's final answer is that she wants to be part of something bigger and better than her ordinary and sometimes cruddy life, and that church makes her feel better.
While all of the above may be "true" answers for why people go to church, I would answer in a different way, and these verses come to mind:
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10bI go to church with my fellow Christians to receive the Lord's gifts and to take refuge in Him. God's in the business of giving.
- When we confess our sins together, I hear and receive God's forgiveness and peace, from the mouth of my pastor.
- When we proclaim our faith together, I experience the Communion of Saints.
- When we pray together, I have hope and certainty that He will answer.
- When we hear His Word read and then preached, I receive His grace.
- When we partake of communion, Christ's body and blood, I again receive His forgiveness and peace.
Although songs, praise, worship, offerings are all a part of our church service, the truth is...He doesn't need my gifts.
But I need His.
And as an added gift, He's given me His church. When we Christians "assemble together" we receive His gifts, and we're an encouragement and witness to each other, just by being there.
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