In the French language, everyday items are considered either masculine or feminine. For instance, the French word for kitchen is "la cuisine." The "la" signifies that kitchen is feminine. The word for prince is "le prince" with the "le" indicating that prince is masculine.
The Romance languages, or languages derived from Latin, all have this in common - that nouns are either masculine or feminine. Likewise, the adjectives, the words that describe the nouns, also have a masculine and feminine form.
I suppose the French and other Romance language speakers see this as correct, and also see some beauty and meaning to it. But for an English speaker, this concept is "foreign."
I was recently reminded of this trait of Latin and Romance languages when I saw our upcoming sermon series on the Solas of the Reformation.
Sola Fide is Latin for Faith Alone, with "sola" being a feminine form of only/alone. Solus Christus means Christ Alone; and "solus" is the masculine form of only/alone.
Confused?!! And don't forget Soli Deo Gloria - Glory to God Alone.
I bring this up because I sometimes wonder if we're becoming a genderless society.
If we become a genderless society, what will happen to our English language, with our feminine and masculine pronouns? And will the Romance languages ditch their gender nouns and adjectives?
In the book 1984, George Orwell's futuristic society would often declare that a certain word no longer existed. Once the word was gone, the concept that the word stood for would also be lost and forgotten.
For instance, we learned in our homeschool Psychology class that if a culture doesn't have a word for "past" it's people are unable to comprehend history or past events. A culture that only counts to 2, will look at any amount greater than 2, and call it "many."
Words matter, and words shape our thinking.
So, back to Latin and faith...
Today Latin is no longer spoken and is considered a "dead" language, which means that it doesn't change, doesn't add new words, even as society and culture do change.
No matter how English or French change, and possibly become genderless, Latin will always be the same.
And my point is...God is always the same; He never changes. His Word is true. is impossible for God to lie...Hebrews 6:18And His promises are true.
...the word of the LORD proves true...Psalm 18:30No matter what our society does or in what direction it goes, the Lord always is...His very name says that. I am, I was, and I will be...
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Exodus 3:14He's a rock, a fortress...unmoving - always true to Himself.
For I the LORD do not change...Malachi 3:6He always saves.
The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. 1 Timothy 1:15And He always loves. His love doesn't change.
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end. Lamentations 3:22That's our comfort, that's our hope.
Soli Deo Gloria.
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