Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Real Jesus...

In 2013, I participated in a study that explored the journey of American Christians who were moving towards or had become Confessional Lutherans.  LCMS Pastor Matt Richard conducted this study for his doctoral thesis.  

Pastor Matt recently wrote a book, Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?  I bought the book to support Matt, and last week, during some waiting around time, I started reading it.

The premise of the book is that many Americans, including many Christians, embrace and teach a false Jesus.  These twelve false christs include:
  • The Mascot - who cheers on his followers to pursue whatever makes them happy. 
  • The Option among Many - a Jesus who is one road, but not the only way, to God and eternal life. 
  • The Social Justice Warrior - who fights against oppression and works for just political and social causes.
Pastor Matt introduces each "false Jesus" with a compelling story of actual people who follow that particular Jesus.  

I was expecting the false versions to be superficial, and certainly not plausible to a thinking Christian.  

I was wrong.  

Each false Jesus is much more substantial than I realized, and I could see how some of our more popular Christian writings and teachings have led to these false beliefs.

Matt's book also includes two items that I found helpful.

First, in each chapter, Matt gives advice on responding to adherents of that false christ.  The advice is both sensible and easy to follow.

Second, each chapter contains break-out paragraphs, or mini-lessons, on key terms and concepts.  These include topics such as:  Free Will, Keswick Theology, the Two Kingdoms, Good Works, and many, many more. 

As I approached the end of the book, I was thinking, "This is really good, not what I expected, and I'm glad I'm reading it." 

Then, I got to the conclusion - the real kicker.  For the Real Jesus, Matt tells his story.  

And I choked up, because I knew what was coming.  I've heard Matt's story, and it's my story.  It's our story.  In Matt's words:
There is truly no bottom to the pit of our sinful nature, and as I was made aware again of the depths of my own depravity, I realized I needed an even greater Savior than I had previously understood...the real Jesus did not despise my crushed, collapsed, and broken heart but came to me with forgiveness, life, and salvation.   
And He comes to each of us with that same forgiveness, love, and salvation.  The Real Jesus is much more precious, unique, and authentic than any of the false christs we may invent.  
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.            Matthew 11:28-30

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this great book review. I'm glad you have found the book so helpful to you. God bless you richly in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Rev. Paul T. McCain
    Concordia Publishing House
    Saint Louis, Missouri
