One day, Corporal Alton from Disbursing stopped by; he was selling Tupperware for his wife. I bought a set of measuring cups and spoons for maybe $10.
A few months later, about a month into my class, some type of pay mistake occurred at Quantico, and it affected a lot of people. Second Lieutenants, whose pay was affected, were to make an appointment with their platoon commanders, who would then arrange for an appointment with Disbursing. It was a hassle, especially since so many people were involved.
About this time, I ran into Corporal Alton. He asked how my class was going, and I said something about the pay issue, wondering what had happened. He simply said, "Don't worry. I'll fix your pay, Ma'am." And he did! Seemingly magical to everyone else, my pay was fixed.
When I tell this story, people often quote the Bible, saying we'll be rewarded for our good deeds. But I think something more is going on here.
Buying Tupperware and fixing someone's pay are simple acts of kindness, done one-to-another. But Corporal Alton didn't just return a kindness - he gave of his time, and he gave me something that I needed and valued. In that exchange, my heart was enlarged to giving and receiving. Even today, I am surprised at what he did, and I know what it feels like to be grateful, to have someone "make a difference" in serving me.
Corporal Alton took care of my need for free, just because we were friends.
The Lord's Prayer of "give us this day our daily bread" is a request to supply all our needs. And, He does supply all our needs...and He does it through other people. During a conversation with a friend, I'll often recognize a need, and I'll know how to meet that need. That's my opportunity to give and to serve.
In serving others and being served, we move a little closer to understanding the kindness and love of God in not only supplying us with every need, in not only amazing us with kindness, but with giving us a Savior, forgiving our sins, giving us peace with Him, and life.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
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