The movie, Unplanned, which came out in 2019, tells the story of a Planned Parent clinic director who becomes an advocate for life. After viewing that film, I was convicted to regularly and daily pray for life. My prayer was and is that - our local area, the county I live in, will quite simply Embrace Life. That's it.
Fast forward to today - there's a "leak" that the Supreme Court may issue a ruling that will overturn Roe vs Wade. I'm taking that to mean that the legality of abortions would then be decided by the states.
While it's not necessarily a good thing to be predicting what will happen, if Roe vs Wade is overturned, I foresee a battle breaking out. Those people who are against abortion will be elated. Those people who are for abortion will be making their cases and supporting political candidates who want to take on this fight.
But here's the thing - even if it becomes illegal in many places to have an abortion, the illegality of it won't change peoples' opinions or even actions regarding abortions. You can't legislate hearts and how people feel about an issue.
It doesn't really matter what the issue is - abortion, civil rights, taxes, medical care, wars.
Throughout history, people in different countries and areas of the world were continually looking for a leader who would make things right or better for them. And still today, people look for that person who will make life better for them or make them feel better about their personal agenda or situation.
Even in Jesus's time, people were looking for the promised Messiah, and were thinking that he would come as a political leader or king.
But the kingdom of God was never to be this ideal utopian society that was going to be set-up and legislated by people and rules, rules based on a particular agenda. The kingdom of God, the kingdom that Jesus ushered in and is ushering in - it's of the heart. And our God is the only One who can change our hearts.
So when I pray that my county will Embrace Life, I'm praying that our hearts will be changed in that direction. And that's a big prayer, for all of us.
For those who feel strongly about the abortion issue, it's a prayer for people to embrace and love the person who needs help. And for many people, it will mean getting involved in ways outside one's comfort zone, and becoming involved in situations and with people that will require time, energy, resources, and love.
When I think about it, it's the same thing that Jesus did - He loved people, He got involved in their lives, He died for them...for me. As Christians, that's our call, my call - to take His love and His care into the lives of others.
Embrace Life - not just in relation to the abortion issue, but for all people, for everyone we encounter and deal with, every day.